
Dealing With Plantar Fasciitis

If you have foot pain, getting through the day can be a challenge, especially if prolonged standing or walking is part of your routine. Plantar fasciitis can range from uncomfortable to excruciating, but no matter your level of foot pain podiatrist Dr. Michael Golf in Austin, TX, can help you find a solution that has you back on your feet, pain-free, and feeling great.

What is plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is pain on the bottom of the heel, which occurs when the thick tissue that connects your heel bone to your toes becomes irritated. Pain may occur on the underside of your foot or near the heel, and become especially intense after standing for long periods of time or while carrying heavy items. The condition can result in swelling and stiffness of your heel.

There are many potential causes for plantar fasciitis, including wearing improperly fitting shoes, engaging in an exercise that puts extra pressure on your feet, being overweight, or having tight calf muscles.

How can I treat my plantar fasciitis?

At our Austin, TX, office we will start by looking at your foot and feeling for tenderness while your toes are gently bent forward. Depending on the cause or severity of your foot pain, your podiatrist may suggest outpatient or inpatient treatments.

Home remedies include icing the heel, wearing cushioned, supportive, and low heeled shoes, maintaining healthy body weight, using an over-the-counter pain reliever, or gently stretching the arches of your feet. You may also want to adjust your exercise routine and choose lower impact activities like swimming.

In-office options include physical therapy, cortisone injections, and, in rare cases, surgery to detach the plantar fascia from the heel bone.

Call the office of Dr. Golf in Austin, TX, at 512-448-3668 today if you are experiencing foot pain.

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Dr. Michael Golf, DPM


9:00 AM-5:00 PM


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9:00 AM-5:00 PM



